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Explore the cosmos with ease!

Stellarect, your ultimate space companion, brings you concise summaries of groundbreaking discoveries, advancements, astronomical event alerts a daily dose of stunning astronomical images and astronomy tutorials. Delve into the universe effortlessly and stay informed with our user-friendly news app.

Stellarect App Page

Latest Astronomy News Shorts

Stay informed about the latest events in space exploration, planetary science, astrophotography, and more.

Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or an enthusiastic stargazer, Stellarect brings you curated summaries of top astronomy news from reputable sources, keeping you in the cosmic loop.

Astronomy Events

Explore astronomical events happening in our universe with Stellarect.

Browse through a curated list of astronomical alerts and set reminders to stay updated and never miss a cosmic event.

Whether it's a meteor shower, a planetary alignment, or a celestial phenomenon, Stellarect keeps you informed and ready to witness the wonders of the cosmos.

Astronomy Picture of the day

Enjoy a daily dose of stunning astronomical images/videos, highlighting the beauty and wonder of the universe.

Astronomy Tutorials

Regular astronomy tutorials to help you become an astronomy expert.

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